MA ICESA - Hours Worked is inflated

MA ICESA - Hours Worked is inflated

Description of Issue

4500 hours are reporting for Hours Worked in MA ICESA when Accumulators shows 300. 

  • Payroll
  • Massachusetts
  • MA ICESA Employment Wage and Detail Report

UOM in Pay Master = D-Days

When UOM = Days, program attempts to convert days to hours for an accurate Hours Worked.


Review setup. 

In some cases, the UOM on the Pay Master can be updated.  If the pay is used for both hourly and daily employees, the correction requires additional analysis.  For example, is it possible to create distinct pay types for hourly versus daily/salary employees?  Please contact Payroll Support if additional assistance is needed. 

Additional Information
  • Hours Worked is reported in Columns 132-134 on the S Record
  • Program sums Hours from Pay records in Accumulators, Excluding any Pays defined on Exclusions tab of the Generate screen.
  • If the Unit of Measure for the Pay record in Accumulators is ‘Daily’, then the Hours field in Accumulators is reflecting the number of days worked. In that scenario, the unemployment reporting program will attempt to convert that amount to hours.

Converting Days to Hours
The unemployment reporting program will attempt to convert time worked under a Daily Pay by looking for the number of hours per day the employee works and multiplying that by the number of days reflected in the Hours field on the Accumulators record.

Hours per Day is pulled from Employee Job/Salary using the following hierarchy:
1. The Primary Job for the specific Pay code
2. If no record is found on the first attempt, the program looks for the specific Pay code for any Job.
3. If no record is found on the second attempt, the program will use the Hours/Day value from the primary base pay record.

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