How can we see who made address changes in ESS

Description of Issue

Does ESS have a report that will show who changed their address through that program?

  • Employee Self Service
  • Address Change
  • Audit

ESS does not have any reports.

ESS transactions can be audited in Munis through the Payroll Audit Inquiry.

  1.  Navigate in Munis to the program Payroll Audit Inquiry.
    • Menu > Human Capital Management > Payroll > Payroll Administration > Payroll Audit Inquiry
  2. Click Search and enter the Table field praddrss.
    1. You can enter additional details to filter the results further.
  3. Use the Tab key to navigate below.
  4. Enter in the Program field prwshdlr.
  5. Select Accept to save and return the results.
Additional Information

Please contact Human Resources Support with any additional questions.