BGA or BGT workflow setup

BGA or BGT workflow setup

Description of Issue

Setup for BGA or BGT workflow

What workflow will be triggered when an amendment is released

BGA or BGT workflow not triggering expected rule - Users Budget Transfer Amendment data access is Limited

  • Budget Transfers and Amendments
  • Budget Workflow
  • BGA
  • BGT

Budget workflow is determined by a user's Budget Amendment Transfer data access.


If both BGT and BGA rules exist:

  1. Amendment Type 1 or 4 is used
    1. If user's Budget Amendment Transfer data access is set to FULL, then BGT rule is triggered 
    2. If user's Budget Amendment Transfer data access is set to NONE, then BGA rule is triggered
    3. If user's Budget Amendment Transfer data access is set to LIMITED
        1. If all accounts on the entry are in the Limited access group then BGT rule is triggered
        2. If at least one account on the entry is not within the Limited access group then the BGA rule is triggered
  2. Amendment Type 2, 3, 5, or 6
    1. BGA rules will always be triggered

If no BGT rules exist, only BGA rules:

  1. Amendment Type 1 or 4 is used
    1. If user's Budget Amendment Transfer data access is set to FULL, workflow is bypassed (auto-approved) 
    2. If user's Budget Amendment Transfer data access is set to NONE, then BGA rule is triggered
    3. If user's Budget Amendment Transfer data access is set to LIMITED, workflow is bypassed (Auto-approved)
  2. Amendment Type 2, 3, 5, or 6
    1. BGA rules will always be triggered

If no BGA rules exist, only BGT rules:

  1. Amendment Type 1 or 4 is used
    1. If user's Budget Amendment Transfer data access is set to FULL, then BGT rule is triggered 
    2. If user's Budget Amendment Transfer data access is set to NONE, workflow is bypassed (Auto-approved)
  2. Amendment Type 2, 3, 5, or 6
    1. Workflow is bypassed (Auto-approved)
Additional Information

General Ledger data access for the selected program, Budget Amendment Entry (bgamdent), will determine what accounts the user can see/enter on an amendment/transfer

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