My Enrollment Choices for Waived Coverage are displaying an amount in ESS Open Enrollment

Description of Issue
  • Provides an enrollment choice for Waived Coverage tied to a deduction that is setup for 0.00 amount, but when viewing the choices for Medical the Waived Coverage Choice is displaying an amount
  • Munis
  • Human Capital management (HCM)
  • Employee Self Service (ESS)
  • Employee Benefits Enrollment
  • Open Enrollment
  • Found that in specific situations, the amount listed from another choice under the Same Section is being displayed for this Waived Coverage choice
  • This is a product defect
  • This will be addressed under work ticket MUN-407943
  • This is a display issue, if the choice is selected the amount will show as 0.00
  • Alternative temporary solutions:
    1. Ensure the Enrollment Choice has a higher priority then the other choices under that Enrollment Section
    2. Enable the functionality to Decline Coverage. This option will not add a deduction to the employee
Additional Information
  • Please reach out to Munis Human Resources Support with any additional questions