Mass Payment Processing layouts

Mass Payment Processing layouts

Description of Issue
Need for layout information to complete Export/Import process for Mass Payment Processing



Mass Payment Processing

Utility Billing

General Billing



Export Information Record Layout

Field NamePositionsTypeComments
Bill Year1-4NumericIdentifies the year in which the bill was created.
Bill Category5-6NumericIdentifies the bill category, such as 20 (Real Estate), 25 (Personal Property), and so on.
Bill Number7-14NumericIdentifies the bill number.
Parcel ID15-34AlphanumericIdentifies the parcel ID for which the bill was created.
Semiannual Indicator35AlphanumericMaryland: If the bill is a semiannual bill, then this position is left blank; otherwise, this position is completed with an “X”.Other states: Unused.
First Owner Name 136-75AlphanumericThe first full name of the current owner stored on the Munis customer record.
First Owner Name 276-115AlphanumericThe second full name of the current owner stored on the Munis customer record.
First Owner Address Line 1116-145AlphanumericThe first address line of the current owner address stored on the Munis customer record.
First Owner Address Line 2146-175AlphanumericThe second address line of the current owner address stored on the Munis customer record.
First Owner City176-195AlphanumericThe city of the current owner address stored on the Munis customer record.
First Owner State196-197AlphanumericThe state of the current owner address stored on the Munis customer record.
First Owner Zip198-207NumericThe zip code of the current owner address stored on the Munis customer record.
Property Description Line 1208-237AlphanumericA description of the property.  
Property Description Line 2238-261AlphanumericA description of the property. Maryland only.
Property Description Line 3262-285AlphanumericA description of the property. Maryland only.
Unpaid Balance286-295NumericIndicates the total of the first and second installment including interest. Decimal implied.Maryland: If date is greater than 10/1/current bill year, then the total also includes service charges.
Tax Sale Year296-299NumericIndicates the year the bill was included in a tax sale.
Tax Sale Redemption300AlphanumericIndicates whether the bill has been redeemed from tax sale.
Use Code301-304AlphanumericIndicates the class code to which the property belongs.
First Installment Amount305-314NumericIndicates the amount due on the first installment.Maryland: If this is an annual bill, then this amount is 0.
Second Installment Amount315-324NumericIndicates the amount due on the second installment.Maryland: If this is an annual bill, then this amount is 0.
Service Charge325-334NumericMaryland only: Lost interest and administrative fees.
Billed Amount335-344NumericIndicates the initial billing amount including any adjustments or abatements.

The Import layout contains two types of entries – (1) a header record and (2) a detail record. The header record contains identifying information about the batch of payments represented in the file. The detail record(s) contains identifying information about individual payments to be processed.

Import Batch Header (Batch) Record Layout

Field NamePositionsTypeComments
Batch Header Record Information      1AlphanumericValue must be “H”.Identifies this as a ‘H’eader entry in the file.
Mass Payer Name2-21AlphanumericThe name of the mass payment processor.
Bank Name37-76AlphanumericThe name of the bank that processed the payments.
Bank Code77-80NumericThe Munis lender code.

Import Batch Detail (Payment) Record Layout

Field NamePositionsTypeComments
Detail Bill Year1-4NumericThe year associated with the item to be paid.
Detail Bill Number5-12NumericThe bill number associated with the item to be paid.
Detail Bill Category13-14NumericThe Munis category associated with the item to be paid. 20 = Real Estate25 = Personal Property60 = Utility Billingetc.,
Parcel ID15-34AlphanumericThe parcel ID associated with the property for which the payment was accepted.
Bank Code35-38NumericThe bank code for the bank that processed the payment.
Lender Loan Number39-53AlphanumericThe loan number. Optional.


Payment Amount55-64NumericThe payment amount. Decimal implied.
Paid by CID65-72NumericThe customer ID for the payee or bank. Optional.

Additional Information

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