Over payment to employee - Manual Void

Over payment to employee - Manual Void

Description of Issue
One employee was overpaid. User would like to void the over payment instead of the entire check.
  • EERP Payroll
  • Payroll Start and Status
  • Manual Check Reconciliation


Recommended to do the following in test or train first:

  1. Navigate to Payroll>Payroll Processing>Payroll Start and Status.
  2. Click Start, then Start Again.
  3. Choose the Void run type and populate the information as necessary.
  4. Click Accept.
  5. Return to Payroll Start and Status and click Payroll Earnings and Deductions.
  6. Click Add and enter Employee Number and Check Number.
  7. Click Accept.
  8. On following popup, user can either uncheck the options Generate default pay and Generate default deductions and add the pays/deductions in as needed, or leave them checked and then adjust the pays/deductions. Either way is fine. 
  9. The next pop-up received is the option to enter a New Check/Advice #.
    1. Because we are creating a record for this void in Manual check Reconciliation, a value must be entered. We suggest that you enter a number outside of their regular check/advice number ranges, such as 999999999.
  10. Once the employee has been added, you can then enter negative pay amounts, as well as negative deductions.
    1. Click Pay Tab, then click Add to enter negative amounts. Click Accept.
    2. Click Deductions, then click Add to enter negative deduction gross and employee/employer amounts. Click Accept.
  11. The remaining steps of the payroll should be processed like any other regular void payroll.
  12. Once the payroll has been completed, manually clear the created check.
    1.  Navigate to Payroll>End of Period>Check Reconciliation>Manual Check Reconciliation.
    2. Click Search and define the manual check number used (ex. 999999999).
    3. Click Update.
    4. Change the status to C – CLEARED and enter a CLEAR DATE.
    5. Click Accept