Will the Quarterly 941 Report show the 9% of Medicare withholdings on employees over 200k gross?

Description of Issue
  • For employees who earn over 200,000 and have the additional 9% tax for Medicare, will this show as a separate amount on the Q941 reports?
  • When putting in the 941 amounts for the IRS there is a separate line for the 200k Medicare Threshold 9%, where will this show on the Q941 report from Munis?
  • Munis
  • Payroll
  • Quarterly 941 Report


Yes. When the Quarterly 941 Report is processed, if there are any employees who paid the additional 9% withholding who earned over the 200k threshold, it will display as a separate section. It will display next to High-Earner-Med-Gross-Wages (Threshold: $200,000.01) and will show the totals.