Earnings and Deductions Error - Unable to Update EDFM user count - Lock Request time out period exceeded

Description of Issue

When trying to go into Earnings and Deductions some users are getting errors. 

EDFM Users: 

Unable to Update EDFM user count (-6372) Try again?

Munis (prpyflrm) 

Error executing fupdate_prctlfil.

Lock Request time out period exceeded

  • EERP Payroll (Munis)
  • Payroll Start and Status 
  • Earnings and Deductions

A Earnings and Deductions proof was being processed at the same time another users was trying to make updates in Earnings and Deductions, creating a lock on the server.


All users in the payroll should close all the way out of Munis and log back in.

If the lock is still present, contact Munis Payroll Support.

Additional Information

OnPrem clients will need to provide a Server Connection for the technician to check for the lock.