Historic secondary pays not duplicating with the base pay

Description of Issue

When duplicating a base pay, the secondary pays are not duplicating with it.

  • Enterprise ERP Munis version 2019.1 and up

  • Payroll

  • Employee Maintenance

  • Employee Job/Salary

  • Payroll Control Settings


Payroll Control setting to update pay end date on other pays was set to N.

  1. Access Payroll Control Settings: Payroll > Payroll Setup > Payroll Control Settings

  2. Locate and double-click on the record labeled EMPLOYEE JOB/SALARY - UPDATE PAY END DATE ON OTHER PAYS

  3. Click Update and enter a value of Y, click Accept

  4. Access Employee Job/Salary: Payroll > Employee Maintenance > Employee Job/Salary

  5. Search for the historic base pay. Click Update, enter an end date of 12/31/9999 and click Accept

  6. Click Duplicate in the toolbar and enter the desired new job/salary info.

  7. Click Accept

  8. Return to the historic base pay record, click Update and enter the original end date. Click Accept

Additional Information