Budget transfers and amendments - budget projection inclusion

Budget transfers and amendments - budget projection inclusion

Description of Issue

What is the difference between Temporary and Continuing

  • Budget transfers and amendments

  • Define start budget projection

  • Next year budget entry

  • Recurring journal



Specifies whether the amendment is a one-time or continuing budget item.

  • If One Time (temporary) is selected, the amendment is not included when the Next Year Budget Entry is updated. One-time amendments are excluded in budget projections when the Exclude Temporary Budget Amendments checkbox in Define/Start Budget Projection program is selected.

  • If you select Continuing, recurring journal entries MUST be set up that match your budget. When this amendment is posted, the corresponding recurring journal is updated.

The Budget Transfers and Amendments program completes this field for each new journal with the default value from Budget Settings, but you can change this as required.

This list is accessible when adding or updating an amendment or transfer. It is not accessible when you click Define.

Additional Information

Temporary budget amendment example:

When creating a new budget projection in Define Start Budget you can pick the open to have the budget pull from Current year revised. However if there are temporary budget amendments that were posted you can exclude those from pulling in by Checking the Exclude Temporary Budget amendments box.

Continuing budget amendments would be included in the scenario above.