Exemption Credits Mass Update does not include all Exemption codes

Description of Issue

Only Exemption Codes assigned to the Module Tax Billing are available to select by in the Exemption Credits Mass Update

Not able to select Exemption Codes that are assigned to the Module Real Estate and Personal Property

  • Property Tax Billing

  • Accounts Receivable

  • Exemptions Credits

  • Exemption Codes


Exemption Credits Mass Update is not recognizing Exemption Codes that are assigned to the Module Real Estate and Personal Property


Development is currently researching the issue. Install MUN-442005 once available

Work around is to change the Module from Real Estate & Personal Property to Tax Billing

  1. Navigate to Exemption Codes

  2. Search for the desired Exemption Code

  3. Click Update

  4. Change the Module field to Tax Billing

Additional Information