BL proration not working on installment bills

BL proration not working on installment bills

Description of Issue

BL Proration not working on installment bills only the full amount of the installments are showing.

  • Property Revenues

  • Business License


The Proration method was not set properly on the Business Type Charge.


To update the Proration method on the Business Type Charge:

  1. Navigate to MUNIS > Property Revenue > Business License >Setup > Business Types

  2. Click the Processing Type Option.

  3. Click Search. Use the fields to identify the Business Type in question.

  4. Click the Charges button at the bottom of the screen.

  5. Arrow to the appropriate Charge Code.

  6. Click Update and Click Field Help in the Proration method field.

  7. Select the appropriate Proration method.

  8. Click Accept.

  9. Navigate Back to the Business Account program and review the installments.

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