Time Summary and Time Balancing not displaying timecard transactions
Transactions are displaying on the Employee Actions > Timecard Inquiry screen but they are not displaying when navigating to Employee Actions > Time Summary nor Payroll Functions > Time Balancing.
Time Summary
Time Balancing
Workgroups where changed and updated in Time & Attendance then saved for the current pay period. The transaction data being tested through parallel was old data that had old workgroups associated with the time entries.
Update history for users
Log with Admin access
Deselect the employee filter or select the filter being used to test the export
Navigate to System Admin > Master File Management > Employee
Select the Edit History for this entry icon
On the General Info tab, change the Save for whole history and override subsequent changes as far back as the dropdown allows.
Note changing the history as far back as possible should only be done in non production environments.
For Production, select date as appropriate for change being made.
Navigate to the Pay Properties tab, confirm the Workgroup that should be displayed is showing
Click Save for Specified Past Pay Period.