Globally Update User Permissions in ESS
How to globally update user permissions in Employee Self Service?
Update employee access in ESS in mass?
How to remove access to W-4 for all ESS users?
User Administration
Global Update
Need to add or remove ESS permissions for employees in mass.
Log into ESS as a user with the permission Is Administrator.
Navigate to Administration > User Administration.
Choose either click Show All or use the selection criteria to search for a specific set of ESS accounts.
Click the option for Apply Global Permissions.
Click on the appropriate tab such as Vendors, Citizens, or Employees.
Define the permissions you wish to give to users.
Note that this process overwrites the current permissions.
Click Update to execute the process.
When executing the Apply Global Permissions function, the user is updating the active set of employees. This means the user must first define an active set by using the search criteria in User Administration then clicking Show All.
Once the active set is determined, the Apply Global Permissions function can be initiated. This function acts as a clean slate. This means the user must check all boxes they wish their employees to have access to, then click the Apply employee permissions button.
Please reach out to Human Resources support with any additional questions.