Prioritizing Support Cases based on SLA

Prioritizing Support Cases based on SLA

Description of Issue

How does Tyler Support prioritize Support Cases?

  • Client Support
  • Online Support Incidents
  • www.tylertech.com



Case priority is based on the following Service-Level Agreement (SLA).

  1. Critical - Issue is severe and requires immediate resolution. A critical issue is one where there is a complete work stoppage, or the loss of multiple essential system functions for all users.
    • Resolution - 1 day or less.
  2. High - A high priority issue is one where there is a repeated, consistent failure of essential functionality affecting more than one user, or the loss or corruption of data. Your system is operational, but an essential piece of functionality is not working.
    • Resolution - 10 days or less.
  3. Medium - Issue is non-severe.
    • Resolution - 30 days or less.
  4. Non-critical - Issue is a lower priority and you will work with support as time permits.
    • Resolution - 60 days or less.
Additional Information

Please review the Technical Support Overview for Enterprise ERP located here: https://www.tylertech.com/EnterpriseERPSupportDocuments/Technical-Support-Overview-Enterprise-ERP.pdf

Please refer to our Master Article - Online Support Incidents for all additional topics.