Pay Period configuration correction

Pay Period configuration correction

Description of Issue

The Pay Period seems to not be calculating the number of days correctly.

For example, the start date is 12.23.18 which was a Sunday, and the days within the period are 14 days. This would indicate that the period should end on the following Sat, but the pay period dates show that the period actually ends on the following Sunday which seems like 15 days, not 14. The Start time is set to 00:01. There is also issues when creating schedules and how it shows up on Timesheets.

  • Time & Attendance

  • Configuration

  • Pay Periods


The initial Pay Period created was built with the incorrect start time and date. This is usually identified when the reporting dates for which time entry can be completed do not match the payroll run, or schedule sets are including extra days and/or excluding time entries that should show.

  1. Modify initial pay period created under System Admin > Master File Management > Pay Periods

  2. Click pencil to edit

    1. Rename the initial pay period to include XX in the beginning or end of the pay period name (code) field so that it no longer matches the true name of the pay period.

    2. Remove this period as the default (deselect default setting)

    3. Leave this period active until the new period is created and confirmed all users have been moved to the new period

    4. Click Save.

  3. Select plus sign to create a new pay period

    1. Enter true name (code) for the pay period to match what's configured in Enterprise ERP (ex. Enter B for Bi-weekly, M for Monthly, S for Semi-Monthly)

    2. Enter description of the pay period (ex. Bi-weekly, Monthly, Semi-Monthly)

    3. Enable the Default flag for this pay period

    4. Active flag should default selected and remain selected

    5. Enter the appropriate start date of one of their previously paid periods (Recommendation is to use start date from a pay period that was at least six months ago)

    6. Start time should be enter based on the true start time for the pay period (keep in mind if the start time is midnight, 00:00 will be used to denote this start time)

    7. Select Days, Months, 1/2 months (semi-monthly) or specific days to control the type of pay period to recreate

    8. Duration will dictate the frequency for your pay period (Bi-weekly cycles are typically set as 14 day rotations)

    9. Click Save

  4. Once you have the new period built, employees will have to be manually assigned to the new pay period under System Admin > Master File Management

  5. Select the Edit History for this Entry icon 

  6. Under Save Properties choose

    1. Either Save for a specific pay period may be used if new pay period should only be applied to a specific period

    2. Or Save for whole history and override subsequent changes, starting at to be used when you want to apply changes starting with a date and for every date there after

  7. Select Pay Properties

  8. Update pay period field with newly created pay period

  9. Select General Info

  10. Click Save

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