Isolate Employee Self Service Personnel Action Workflow

Isolate Employee Self Service Personnel Action Workflow

Description of Issue
  • How do we isolate the Personnel Actions from ESS to their own workflow?

  • Version 2019.1+

  • Workflow

  • Personnel Actions


Unable to make a granular definition to isolate ESS Actions out to their own workflow. This function becomes available in 2019.1 and higher versions of the software.

  1. As a work around, you can use the process code PMV.

  2. In the program Workflow Business Rules, create a record for the process code PMV.

    • Menu > Human Resources/Payroll > Human Resources > Personnel Setup > Human Resources Workflow Administration > Workflow Business Rules

  3. In the program Action Codes, set the category to that to Civil Service Validation.

    • Menu > Human Resources/Payroll > Human Resources > Personnel Actions > Action Codes

Additional Information

Please reach out to Human Resources support with any additional question.