Unrecoverable Error Detected while adding a Charge Code
Unrecoverable Error Detected while adding a Charge Code
Description of Issue
While adding a new Charge Code for Miscellaneous Cash, an unrecoverable error is detected causing the program to crash
Munis has detected an unrecoverable error. This program will abort after you close this message.
Error condition: A general billing charge code with this name already exists for this year. (UseForMiscellaneousCash: 1)
Munis 2021.2 and up
Accounts Receivable
Miscellaneous Cash Receipts
Misc Cash
Charge Codes
Development is currently researching the issue. There is no known workaround at this time.
Additional Information
Note that this error will occur even when the general billing charge code that the error references is not set to be used for miscellaneous cash receipts.