Budget Completion Journal permission denied- effective permission max budget level higher than final budget level

Description of Issue

When launching Budget Completion Journal an error generates: Munis (bgcmpjnl): Permission denied for this application

In User Attributes under Effective Permissions, the user shows a max budget level higher than the final budget level in GL Settings.


Budget Completion Journal


In User Attributes under the Effective Permissions tab for the Budget module, the user shows a max budget level higher than the final level of the budget showing in GL Settings, which may be related to a Munis upgrade.


The maximum budget level permission needs to be updated to match the final budget level number instead of a number higher than the final level.

System Administration> Security> User Attributes

  1. Search for the user and Accept

  2. Select the Effective Permissions tab and scroll down to the Budgeting module.

  3. Select Maximum budget level line.  

  4. Compare the Maximum budget level value with the final budget level showing in the GL Settings program.  

  5. Click View Detail to see which role has a value higher than the final level.

  6. Click Edit Role and select the Budget folder.

  7. Click Update and adjust Maximum budget level to match the final budget level.  Any changes impact all users in role.

  8. Close and re-open Budget Completion Journal.

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