Edit Pencil Icon in the TCM HTML Viewer is Disabled

Description of Issue

When viewing an attachment in the TCM HTML Viewer, the edit/pencil icon is disabled despite having full permissions to the document type being viewed. 

  • Munis

  • Tyler Content Manager

  • TCM

  • TCM HTML Viewer 


The edit icon was disabled by Development and is intended to be removed from the TCM HTML Viewer ribbon entirely in future TCM codes. However, the original functionality still does exist within the TCM HTML Viewer. 

  • The edit icon was disabled by Development, but the previous functionality now exists within the Toggle Thumbnails icon. 

  • To perform the same functions as the edit icon provided, please click on Toggle Thumbnails (this will appear as a box above the image in the TCM HTML Viewer in the upper right hand corner). This will open the toggle function and allow users to right-click on the displayed pages to edit them, just as the edit/pencil icon originally provided for functionality. 

Additional Information