Update Remaining Salary options in payroll encumbering menu
How do options R and F in the update remaining salary amounts calculate the new remaining salary?
Payroll Encumbering
Update Remaining Salary/Deduction Amounts
Go to Payroll Encumbering (Payroll>End of Period>Payroll Encumbering)
Select Update Remaining Salary/Deduction Amounts.
Click Define. Populate applicable fields. Click the Update Method drop down.
F - Recompute From Fiscal YTD - This option will take the annual salary and subtract the fiscal YTD amount paid to determine the remaining salary. The fiscal YTD amount is pulled from the fiscal year accumulators.
R - Recompute from Remaining Pay Periods - This option will take the remaining number of pays and multiply by the period pay to determine the remaining salary. Both remaining pays and period pay are pulled from the Employee Job/Salary record.
Z - Zero Remaining Salary - This option will zero out the remaining salary.