ACRFR-Error updating Account Groups. The following errors need to be addressed prior to save. Account group name is empty

Description of Issue

Error updating Account Groups The following error(s) need to be addressed prior to save: Account group name is empty

Unable to assign accounts to an account group in ACFR



Account Groups


Account Groups exist with a blank name


To update the name on a blank account group

  1. Account Groups

  2. Select desired Report Type and Account Type

  3. Scroll through the Group list at the left, any lines that show only (0) with no name preceding it needs to be updated

  4. Select the blank group and click on the three dots next to Account Groups

  5. Properties

  6. Enter a group name

  7. Save

  8. Repeat with any other groups that don't have a name defined

After this is completed accounts can be assigned without issue. 

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