Payroll Accrued Expense Generate Earnings and Deductions Error - Only 10 checks can be generated in a balloon payroll

Description of Issue

When adding generate screens in my Accrued Expense Payroll, I am getting error:

Only 10 checks can be generated in a balloon payroll

  • Payroll

  • Accrued Expense Payroll Start and Status

  • Accrued Expense Generate Earnings and Deductions 


The system only allows up to 10 generate screens in a payroll warrant. 

  • Separate the Generates between two Accrued Expense Payroll Warrants

  • Use a larger range in the Employee criteria in the define, then delete out the employees not needed within Earnings and Deductions 

    • Example, instead of using Group BU 1234 to 1234 and a second generate screen for 1236 to 1236, define 1234 to 1236 then delete out the employees in Group BU 1235.

  • Define the Generate screen as needed then update that screen with a new define (new check number and date range) and execute to Continue for each generate needed. 

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