Pay Code Not Generating into Payroll

Pay Code Not Generating into Payroll

Description of Issue

Pay code is not generating into payroll.

  • Payroll

  • Payroll Processing

  • Generate Earnings and Deductions


Pay Cycles on the Generate Earnings and Deductions screen must match the enabled cycles in Employee Job/Salary in order to generate into payroll.

  • In the Generate Earnings and Deductions step of the payroll, the Pay Periods tab determines which cycles Munis is going to be generating. In order for a pay code to generate into the payroll, in Employee Job/Salary the corresponding cycle must be enabled.

    • For example, if you are generating a cycle 5 payroll, in Employee Job/Salary > Cycles/Other Tab, the cycle 5 must be enabled in order for this pay code to generate into payroll.

  • If a pay code in Employee Job/Salary is only flagged to generate into cycle 5, and the Generate Earnings and Deductions > Pay Periods tab is defined to generate for cycle 1, the pay code will not generate into payroll.


Pay Code was only enabled to generate for cycle 5, when the Generate Earnings and Deductions screen was only defined to generate cycle 1.

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