How to restrict creation of REQs and POs to next year only

Description of Issue

How to restrict creation of REQs and POs to next year only? 





New to functionality

Opening new year and need users to create REQs and POs in the new year only


Financials > Purchasing > Setup > Purchasing Settings

Click on Requisition and Purchase Order Settings tab

Click Update

Select the Restrict creation of requisitions and purchase orders to next year only

Click Accept to save changes

System Administration > Security > Roles

Search on all Roles which grant access to Requisitions and Purchase Orders

Select the permission Restrict to creating NY REQs and POs only

Click Accept to save changes

Additional Information

When trying to Restrict creation of requisitions and purchase orders to next year only, ALL roles assigned to a user for REQ and PO permissions need to have the permission Restrict to creating NY REQs and POs only checked off for both the REQ and PO folder.
Also, in the Purchasing settings, go to the Requisition and Purchase Order Settings tab and check the box labeled as Restrict creation of requisitions and purchase orders to next year only.

To help mitigate the amount of times this needs to be done, keep the REQ and PO permissions checked off year-round and only utilize the Purchasing Setting as the on/off switch for this process.