Turn the General Ledger On or Off for a Specific Accounts Receivable Category

Description of Issue

The general ledger needs to be turned on or off for a specific accounts receivable category so that payment activity (payments, reversals, refunds, write-offs, etc.) can be entered without impacting the general ledger. 

  • General Ledger 

  • Accounts Receivable Settings (arparmnt)


The activity is already accounted for on the general ledger or it is not desired that the activity be reflected on the general ledger. 


WARNING: This is a global setting for the accounts receivable category. Any activity entered when this setting is turned off will not create general ledger impacts and will need to be accounted for with manual journal entries made by accounting or finance. It is recommended that this setting only be changed after hours when only the necessary users are logged in and entering data. All users should be made aware that this setting is being changed and to not enter further activity. 

  1. Navigate to the Accounts Receivable Settings program either by searching or using the following path: General Revenues > Accounts Receivable > Setup > Accounts Receivable Settings

  2. Once in the program, click Cat Specific in the top ribbon. 

  3. Use the arrows at the bottom of the screen to navigate to the correct accounts receivable category. 

  4. Click on the Payments tab. 

  5. Click Update. 

  6. Set the field next to Update GL to YES or NO as desired. 

Additional Information
  • Please make sure to turn the general ledger back on once all necessary data has been entered. 

  • If further assistance is required, please contact the appropriate support team.Â