Grant Manager - Amounts display in wrong Fiscal Year

Description of Issue

Grant Master defined as 2021 July to June why does transaction for June 2021 display as prior year 2020?

  • Grant Manager 

  • Grant Master

  • Configuration & Setup


Grant looks to starting period month and applies the year defined

  • If grant is correctly defined additional journals could be entered to adjust as needed:

    1. Enter opposing reversal amount journal same year, period, effective date to back out amounts to sum original and reversal transaction to 0.00+

    2. Rekey needed transaction to the correct Grant month year as needed

  • If grant is NOT correctly defined it can be adjusted as needed:

    1. Browse to Munis > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Project Accounting > Project Ledger > Grant Master

    2. Search

    3. Enter selection criteria Application, Grant etc.

    4. Accept

    5. Update

    6. Adjust grant as needed

      1. Fiscal Year

      2. Starting month as needed by using drop down box selection

    7. Accept

  • Review how amounts display in Grant Manager now, if any questions remain please contact Munis Financial General Ledger Support for assistance

Additional Information
  • If journal is posted to effective June'21 this would come before July'21 and as July is first month of grant year 2021 it would be considered 2020 for the grant

    • Example:  year 2021 for July-June is seen as July'21