ACFR - OKTA authentication inactive user

ACFR - OKTA authentication inactive user

Description of Issue

Unable to authenticate to portal for ACFR due to OKTA authentication 

User is inactive for multi factor authentication

  • Annual Consolidated Financial Report (ACFR)
  • Configuration & Set Up
  • Tyler Deploy
  • TCP Ecosystem (portal).
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
  • OKTA

User failed to authenticate within 7 days of migration deployment email being received


Portal administrator can reset MFA for users

  1. Log into ACFR dashboard
  2. Select 9 box waffle icon upper left hand side
  3. Manage Users
  4. User's name
  5. Check the activity status of the MFA for user to confirm if active or inactive status
  6. Portal administrator will have access to select the Reset MFA option
  7. Have user try again
  8. If issues remain contact Munis Financials General Ledger Support
Additional Information

Steps to confirm who is the ACFR - Portal administrator