Budget Projection Cube - Summary and Detail Amount available Years

Description of Issue

Need to report beyond year 1 of budget projection in cubes using summary or detail budget amounts.

  • Cubes
  • Define/Start Budget Projection
  • Excel

Different functionality depending on Munis version installed at site:

    • 2018.1 and lower only has Year 1 summary and detail groups all years into one summed amount.  This can cause summary to not match detail by design.
    • 2019.1 and higher only has Year 1 summary but now detail has a "Year" option to break out detail budget amounts as needed.

Create two budget projections and use two cubes to pull each individually and consolidate them together in Excel

MUN-407778 is open as an Enhancement with Development.

Additional Information

Please review the Master Article - Cubes Reporting with Excel for all Cubes related topics.