Budget Scenarios - Cannot add attachments

Description of Issue

Cannot add attachments in Budget Scenarios but can in other Munis programs

  • Budget Scenarios
  • Central Programs
  • Tyler Content Manager (TCM, TylerCM)
  • Role Permissions & Data Access

Budget Scenarios tie to General Attachment TCM mapping and only certain TylerCM data access groups allow access such as example 'MU_ACCESS_STANDARD'


Ensure user has TylerCM data access group MU_ACCESS_STANDARD assigned to there user attributes by an assigned and active role.

  1. Update Existing Assigned User Role
  2. Contact Munis Financials General Ledger Support if issues remain
Additional Information
  • Users can add additional mappings that matches Next Year Budget Entry for accounts and budget detail lines if site would like mappings to match
  • Additional mappings may require additional TCM data access groups assigned
  • TCM server side has the permissions defined for each group then synced with Munis role data access for TylerCM groups defined.