gljnl Error When Generating AR

gljnl Error When Generating AR

Description of Issue

An error referencing gljnl is received when generating accounts receivable during a tax bill run. 

  • Property Tax Billing 
  • Generate AR 

The journal number control has not been setup for the fiscal year. 

  1. This may require coordination with finance or accounting. Verify that journal number control has been established for the new fiscal year by navigating to the Journal Number Control program either by searing or using the following path: Financials > General Ledger Menu > Miscellaneous Set Up > Journal Number Control
  2. Click Search
  3. Enter the year tax bills are being generated for. 
  4. Click Accept.
  5. If no records return, Journal Number Control will need to be set up by following the steps given here: How to set up Journal Number Control
  6. After Journal Number Control is set up, re-open the Generate AR program and begin the process again. The same error should not appear. 
Additional Information

If further assistance is required, please contact Tax Support for the appropriate region.