Revenue Allocation failed for funding source- Max allocation amount

Description of Issue

Expense journal line(s) were found that qualify for revenue allocation but could not be allocated due to validation errors. Please review the error report


Project Revenue Allocation


Funding Source string does not have sufficient funds to cover allocation amount.


Follow the steps below to review errors and determine what amounts are set to be used for Project Revenue Allocation.

After the error is generated in Munis > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Project Accounting > Project Ledger > Project Processes > Project Revenue Allocation

  1. Ok

  2. Reports

  3. Error Report

  4. Ok

  5. Review the Funding Source Allocations portion, noting the funding source and allocated amount.

  6. Open Munis > Financials > General Ledger Menu > Project Accounting > Project Ledger > Projects/Inquiry > Project Funding Source Inquiry

  7. Search for the Funding Source noted in step 5

  8. Revenue Allocation

    1. Note Max Allocation value

      1. Budget- Allocation validates on revised budget for the project string. 

      2. Actuals- Allocation validates on sum of actuals on the funding source string

      3. Greater of the Two- Allocation validates on the grater value between Actuals and Budget

  9. Project String Balances

    1. If Max Allocation is set to Budget, Revised budget must be greater than or equal to the current allocation + previous allocation lines on funding source string

    2. If Max Allocation is set to Actuals, Actuals must be greater than or equal to the current allocation + previous allocation lines on funding source string

    3. If Max Allocation is set to Greater of the Two, criteria from A or B must be met.

If the funding source string requires more budget or actuals, a PAJ or PAC journal can be posted to the funding source to increase Revised Budget or Actual total to create headroom for the allocation.

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