Creating an adjustment record in FL Retirement Report

Description of Issue

How are adjustments generated or created in the FL Retirement report?

  • Payroll

  • Florida

  • FL Retirement Report


Adjustment for prior period record

  1. Select Period Records

  2. Select Add

  3. Populate the record with the information you need to report

    1. Report Month/Year should be the Month and Year you will create your electronic file for; The current period

    2. Adjustment Month/Year should be the Month and Year for the prior period that you are making the adjustment for

    3. Adjustments for prior periods must contain an Adjustment Code, unless it's a credit adjustment, or a worker's compensation adjustment.

      1. Valid Adjustment Codes are A (audit adjustment), E (general adjustment) or R (reinstatement adjustment).

  4. Select Accept

  5. The record has been added and will pull in when the electronic file is created for the Report Month/Year.

Additional Information

Additional information on adjustments available on FRS website: