Employee Job Salary and Current Fiscal Year for Payroll Calendars

Description of Issue

Employee Job/Salary Calendar drop down missing codes

Employee Job/Salary Calendar blank

  • Munis

  • Payroll Control Settings

  • Employee Job/Salary

  • Calendar

  • Fiscal Year


The Fiscal Year defined on the Payroll Calendar record does not match the Fiscal Year defined in Payroll Control Settings

  1. Navigate to Human Capital Management > Payroll > Payroll Setup > Payroll Control Settings

  2. Locate line for CURRENT PAYROLL FISCAL YEAR and verify Value is set to desired year

    1. If Value is incorrect, double click line to edit

    2. Click Update in the ribbon menu to change

    3. Click Save

  3. Navigate to Human Capital Management > Human Resource > Person Setup > Calendars

  4. Click Search and put in expected Calendar Code and Fiscal Year

    1. If no Calendars record is returned use the Add command to build a fresh record or use the Duplicate to copy an existing record 

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