Permissions were updated but are not taking effect
We updated a users permissions but they still do not have the proper access
Changes to a users permissions and or Role was needed and changed but they are not taking effect.
Reset files or menus is needed after a change to permissions and or roles
User has the program open
User Permissions and or Roles were updated.
After updating permissions in EERP the user should:
Log out of EERP and log back in - typically this resets the permission files so that the new permissions take effect
If the user still does not have the expected access:
Reset file in EERP (force reset)
System Administration > Security > User Attributes
Click Reset Files in the Ribbon (More)
Click Ok
Click Ok
Have the user open the program where the permissions were updated and verify if they are now being enforced
For Menus:
System Administration > General Administration > Menu Settings
Click on the Base Menu Settings tab
Click on Menu Update
Click on Yes in the pop-up window