How to add custom crystal reports to Munis menu

Description of Issue

Client needs to add crystal reports to Munis menu

  • Munis all versions

  • Crystal Reports


Client needs to add crystal reports to Munis menu to make it available to all users


To add crystal reports to Munis menu, follow the steps below:

  1. On the Munis application server, copy the crystal report file to E:\munprod\crystal folder

  2. Navigate to Munis menu > System Administration > General Administration > Menu Settings

  3. In menu settings, navigate to location where you want to add the crystal report and click Update in the top menu ribbon

  4. Press TAB key until a new row is created at the end.

  5. Select the option Y-Crystal Report from the dropdown

  6. Click on 3 dots under Report file column and pick a report from the list of reports

  7. Under the column Caption, type a name for this menu item and click Accept

  8. Click on Apply Now in the top menu ribbon to apply changes.

  9. Refresh the Munis menu to view this new menu item.

Additional Information

Unlike SSRS reports that can be executed in browser, clicking on a Crystal Report item in Munis menu will download the report file to users' workstation. Due to this behavior, users' workstation should have Crystal Reports application and ODBC connection. 

Please see the following articles to request a new Crystal Reports installation pack and steps to create an ODBC connection:

How to obtain Crystal Reports application

How to create an ODBC connection