Add option not available in Define Start Budget Projection

Description of Issue
  • Add option not available in Define/Start Budget Projection

  • User is not on a version that uses Gen option instead of Add

  • User only has Update and Delete option in ribbon of Define/Start Budget Projections

  • Define/Start Budget Projection

  • Add, Create, Generate, Duplicate 

  • Max Budget Level

  • Super User

  • The budget Projection access type permission is set to View only and needs create permission

  • User does not have at least one Budget role permission assigned in User Attributes with Max Budget Level set highest budget level defined in General Ledger Settings Budget Settings


If the user does not have Add or Gen option, the following steps can be performed by site EERP Administrator, who will know which roles can be updated or if new additional roles should be added to grant correct level of access.

  1. Browse to System Administration > Security > User Attributes 

  2.  Search

  3. Type Users Id

  4. Accept

  5. Effective Permissions tab

  6. Scroll down to module Budgeting to ensure user has the following access

    • Maximum budget level set to highest number

      • Defined in Financials > Set Up/Chart of Accounts > General Ledger Settings > Budget Settings tab, to be considered a Super User

    • Projection Access Type of either

      • View, create, modify

      • View, create, modify, delete

  7. Edit Role

  8. Budget from the module view tab on edited role

  9. Update the Projection access type setting as needed

  10. Accept 

  11. Back

  12. Back

  13. Reset Files

  14. Ok

  15. Ok

    • This will reload screen as permission updates are applied

  16. Have user refresh (F5) browser tab for Define/Start Budget Projection program, close/reopen, or log out of Munis and log back in then try again

  17. If issue remains contact General Ledger Support for assistance

Additional Information
  • Super Users can perform the following actions assuming they have menu access and permissions mentioned above

    • Add and create new projections in Define Start Budget Projection

    • Soft Post Projection amounts into next fiscal year original budget with Post to Master for Reports

    • Hard Post projection amounts into current fiscal year original budget with Budget Completion Journal (BUC)