AR and GB Consolidation
How to Consolidate Payments?
Cannot see GBI detail.
GBIs posting more than one line for a single account.
Account Inquiry missing CRP Information.
General Billing
General Ledger
General Billing Settings (gbparmnt)
Accounts Receivable Settings (arparmnt)
Payments Journal (arrctpst)
Invoice Entry and Proof (gbinvent)
Account Inquiry (glactinq)
Journal Inquiry/Print (glcjeinq)
There are settings in both the Accounts Receivable Settings and General Billing Settings programs that dictate account consolidation for both CRP and GBI postings.
CRP Consolidation is set on a category basis.
Navigate to General Revenues > Accounts Receivable > Setup > Accounts Receivable Settings
Select Cat Specific from the ribbon.
Use the arrows at the bottom of the screen to tab to the relevant AR Category, General Billing is Category 01.
Click Update.
Select the Payments tab.
The value in the field GL Consolidation determines whether to consolidate multiple journal lines that affect the same account into one entry on the General Ledger. Select the desired option:
No Account Consolidation - Do not consolidate multiple journal lines that affect the same account, but display lines in detail on the General Ledger. If consolidation is not used, the REF 2 field for each journal entry displays the receipt record responsible for creating the entry.
Consolidate Cash Accounts - Only consolidate cash account journal lines into one entry.
Consolidate Non-cash Accounts - Only consolidate non-cash account journal lines into one entry.
Consolidate All Account s- Consolidate journal lines for each account type into a entry (one for cash and another for non-cash).
GBI Consolidation is set in the General Billing Settings.
Navigate to General Revenues > General Billing > Setup > General Billing Settings.
Click Update
Under Miscellaneous see Accounts Receivable Account Posting Method. Select the desired option:
Detail - Creates a journal entry per individual Invoice.
Summary - Creates one entry for the entire batch of Invoices.
Please reach out to General Billing Support for additional information.
If using Treasury Management (Bank Reconciliation) module, the option No Account Consolidation should be selected in Accounts Receivable for easier reporting and reconciliation.
To split or consolidate multiple Accounts Receivable Batches when posting, please see: Split receipt batches into different General Ledger Journals when posting multiple batches