Generate a Report of Posted Abatements

Generate a Report of Posted Abatements

Description of Issue

Need to generate a report of just abatements that have been posted to the general ledger. 

  • Property Tax Billing 

  • Abatements 

  • Posted Abatements Report (txpabtrp)


A report of general ledger posted abatements only is needed. 

  1. Navigate to the Posted Abatements Report Program either by searching or using the following path: Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Region > State > Abatement Processing > Posted Abatements Report 

  2. Click Define. 

  3. Fill out all fields as desired to generate a report of specific abatements. (Note: Full field descriptions are available by clicking the question mark icon in the upper right corner and then selecting help from the dropdown.)

  4. Enter a P in the Transaction status field to include only posted abatements on the report. 

  5. When all desired fields are filled out, click Accept. 

  6. Once a number shows in the Abatements selected field, click Report

  7. Click Define

  8. Select all desired report options including: Print sequence, Output format, and the options to Omit reversed abatements, Print comments in report, and Print signature block if necessary. 

  9. Click Accept

  10. Choose an output option for the report: Print, Display, PDF, or Save. 

Additional Information
  • For all information regarding Abatements, please visit: Master Article - Abatements

  • If further assistance is required, please contact Tax Support for the appropriate region.