0 Dollar Abatements Are Showing on Posted Abatement Report

Description of Issue

Abatements for 0 dollars are included on a report generated in the Posted Abatements Report program. 

  • Abatements 
  • Posted Abatements Report (txpabtrp) 

The report was either not defined to exclude unposted abatements, includes reversed abatements, or 0 dollar abatements were posted. 


Resolution 1: Define the Report to Exclude Unposted Abatements and Reversed Abatements

  1. Navigate to the Posted Abatements Report Program either by searching or using the following path: Property Revenues > Property Tax Billing > Region > State > Abatement Processing > Posted Abatements Report 
  2. Click Define. 
  3. Fill out all fields as desired to generate a report of specific abatements. (Note: Full field descriptions are available by clicking the question mark icon in the upper right corner and then selecting help from the dropdown.)
  4. Enter a P in the Transaction status field to include only posted abatements on the report. 
  5. When all desired fields are filled out, click Accept. 
  6. Once a number shows in the Abatements selected field, click Report. 
  7. Click Define. 
  8. Select a Print sequence, Output format, and check the box to Omit reversed abatements. 
  9. Click Accept. 
  10. Choose an output option for the report: Print, Display, PDF, or Save. 
  11. If the abatement still shows on the report, please follow the steps in resolution 2. 

Resolution 2: Correct a 0 Dollar Abatement That Was Posted

  1. Follow the steps outlined here to reverse or undo the 0 dollar abatement: Reverse or Undo Bill Posted and GL Posted Abatements
  2. Once reversed, following the steps in resolution 1 to generate a new report. The 0 dollar abatement should not be included as long as the box to Omit reversed abatements was checked off. 
Additional Information
  • For all information regarding Abatements, please visit: Master Article - Abatements

  • If further assistance is required, please contact Tax Support for the appropriate region.Â