How to Set the Next Employee Number

Description of Issue

How to set the next Employee Number?

  • Payroll Control Settings

  • Employee Master


Payroll Control Next Employee Number is not set correctly.

  1. Access the program Payroll Control Settings.

    • Tyler Menu > Human Capital Management > Payroll > Payroll Setup > Payroll Control Settings

  2. Scroll and locate the Payroll Control Setting for Default Number - Next Employee Number and click Accept or Double-Click the line item.

  3. Press Update.

  4. Set the next Employee Number as needed.

  5. Select Accept to save the record.

Additional Information

When a New Hire employee is added to the Employee Master, the next number function is available beside the Employee Number field. If the user sets the next number, the program will assign the next number based on existing employee numbers; the application will then reference the Payroll Control Setting - Next Employee Number. The software will not allow an Employee Number to be reused.

Please reach out to Payroll or Human Resources support for additional questions.