How To Re-Generate Batch Posting Report

How To Re-Generate Batch Posting Report

Description of Issue

Missing invoice batch report.

Can not Find Payments Journal Report.

Batch report did not save.

How do I create duplicate report?

  • Invoice Processing

  • Payments Processing

  • Posting


Users may accidentally choose the incorrect report output options when outputting a payment batch or an invoice batch and a report is not generated.


Users only have one opportunity to output this report. The batch reports can only be generated at the time of posting the batch. If the report was not generated, or output to the wrong source (eg. Printing a report instead of saving only creates a physical copy), it cannot be retrieved. Users can generate a similar report using the Detail Receivables by Date report. Or by querying Receipt Inquiry or Invoice Inquiry (depending on the type of batch) with the Batch Number.

Additional Information

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