Employment Opportunities Job Description link not working after upgrade

Description of Issue

After upgrading to a newer version of EERP, all Job Description links on the Employment Opportunities site give the following error

An error occurred retrieving the requested document, message from web service:

User does not have rights to get documents with this service. 

  • Human Capital Management

  • Recruiting

  • Employment Opportunities

  • Job Descriptions

  • Content Manager Administration 


The munis user does not have adequate permissions within Content Manager 

  1. Access Content Manager as an administrator

  2. Click Administration > Security Manager > Double-click munis User ID

  3. Find Minimum access for MUNIS users (MUNISUSERS) in the Available Groups list, then click to select it, then use the right arrow to add it to the munis user

  4. Click OK

Additional Information

Please reach out to Human Resources Support with any additional questions, we will be happy to assistÂ