MLC Readyform lacking 3x3 inch recording area required by the Registry

Description of Issue

The Municipal Lien Certificate output via Readyforms doesn't contain 3 inch by 3 inch whitespace in the top right corner of the document as required by the Registry of Deeds.

The Registry is rejecting MLCs due to lack of space for their stamp in the top right corner.

  • Munis 2019.1 and up

  • Property Tax Billing

  • Massachusetts Tax

  • MA Tax

  • Municipal Lien Certificates

  • tmalienc

  • Readyforms


The Readyform output for the MLC is a redesigned approach to a document that has existed for at least 2 decades.


One of two workarounds can be used to get the MLC to the registry.

  1. Print the MLC using the standard Munis output instead of the Readyforms output. The standard output is approved by the commissioner of revenue and meets all known recording requirements set by the state.

  2. Include an official cover letter as provided by the Registry which will include a large enough recording area needed for their stamp.

Additional Information

See Massachusetts document formatting standards found at