Error Initializing Epson TM-S9000 in Hardware Console

Error Initializing Epson TM-S9000 in Hardware Console

Description of Issue

Epson TM-S9000 is unable to initialize in the Cashiering Hardware Console. Hardware Console logs may show one of the following errors:

Error initializing device

EpsonS9000.ResetPrinter() --> ResetPrinter: ERR_Handle 

Unable to load DLL 'EpsStmApiWrapper.dll': The specified module could not be found.

  • Cashiering

  • Epson 9000

  • Hardware installation


These errors are typically caused by missing or incorrect printer drivers, or an error with the printer.

Unable to load DLL 'EpsStmApiWrapper.dll': The specified module could not be found. - Indicates no Epson printer drivers have been installed. Proceed to Install EPSON Drivers


Initial Troubleshooting

  1. Check control panel lights on printer

    • All orange lights must be addressed. If there are any error lights on the printer, it will not initialize successfully in the Hardware Console.

    • If ink light is orange, replace the ink: Changing Epson Receipt Printer Ink Cartridge

    • If paper light is orange, replace the paper

    • If the error light is orange, power cycle the device

      • Power down, unplug from workstation, unplug from power source for 10-15 seconds, plug back into power source, power on and let start up fully, plug into workstation

    • Epson Receipt Printer LED Light Indicators

  2. Open Control Panel > Devices and Printers

    • When connected, the printer will show up under Unspecified

    • Right click printer name and select Properties

    • Click the Hardware tab, then click Properties

    • Click the Driver tab

      • Driver Date: 3/1/2012

      • Driver Version:

    • If different dates appear, follow the uninstall/reinstall steps below 

  3. Driver date can also be viewed in Device Manager

    • The device should be registered under the Universal Serial Bus connectors tree as EPSON USB Controller for TM/BA/EU Printers

      • Driver Date: 3/1/2012

      • Driver Version:

    • If different dates appear, follow the uninstall/reinstall steps below 

  4. Open Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features or open Apps & Features and check for these Epson drivers

    • EPSON Port Communication Service

    • EPSON TM-S9000/S2000 Driver Version 2.01

    • If additional drivers appear, follow uninstall/reinstall steps below

  5. Verify Hardware Console version matches Cashiering version

    • Version number found in top right hand corner of Hardware Console

    • Hardware Console can be launched from the system tray

      • On the bottom right corner of desktop, click the arrow to show hidden items

      • Right click the Hardware Console icon > click Tyler Cashiering Hardware Console

    • If version number does not match, uninstall incorrect version and install correct version. See Additional Information.

Uninstall EPSON Drivers

  1. Exit Hardware Console from browser

  2. Exit Hardware Console from system tray

    1. On the bottom right corner of desktop, click the arrow to show hidden items

    2. Right click the Hardware Console icon > click Exit

  3. Power down the printer, then unplug from the workstation

  4. Uninstall all Epson drivers from Apps & Features or from Control Panel

  5. In File Explorer, check the following folders for EPSON drivers and delete any remaining files

    1. C:\EPSON

    2. C:\Program Files\EPSON

    3. C:\Program Files\Common Files\EPSON

    4. C:\Program Files (X86)\EPSON

    5. C:\Program Files (X86)\Common Files\EPSON

  6. Check C:\Windows\System32\drivers\ for a TMUSB64.sys file

    1. Delete that file if it exists

    2. CAUTION: Do not delete any other files from this directory

  7. Restart the PC

  8. After the PC has restarted, exit Hardware Console from system tray

Install EPSON Drivers

  1. Obtain the Cashiering Hardware Drivers

  2. Navigate to ManualHardwareDriversV3\EpsonS9000\TMS9000S2000DRV201\Setup

  3. Right click on Setup.exe > Run as Administrator

  4. Click Next at the welcome screen

  5. Accept the license agreement > click Next

  6. Accept the Default Installation Path and install the 32-bit driver > click Next

    1. Note: The 64-bit driver can be installed as well, but it not currently used by the Tyler Cashiering software. This can be unchecked.

  7. Review the installation confirmation screen > click Next

  8. The complete screen will appear with the results of the installation > click Finish

  9. Power on the printer, then plug into workstation

Hardware Console

  1. Launch Tyler.Cashiering.HardwareService.exe from installation path. Ex: C:\Program Files (x86)\Tyler Technologies\Tyler Cashiering\HardwareConsole

  2. Open the Hardware Console from the system tray, or from the 9-Box menu in the UI.web web page

  3. Click the pencil and add the Epson TM-S9000 printer

  4. Click Save

  5. Click Re-initialize

  6. Click Logging to check for errors.

    1. If you see any errors initializing device, close the Hardware Console from the browser and exit from the system tray

    2. Relaunch Hardware service from installation path. Ex: C:\Program Files (x86)\Tyler Technologies\Tyler Cashiering\HardwareConsole

    3. Open Hardware Console

    4. Click Re-initialize and check Logging for errors or a success message

  7. Once the printer initializes successfully, add any additional devices such as MICR Reader and Cash Drawer.

  8. Launch Cashiering and have the end user test the device(s)

Additional Information

The user MUST have Modify permissions to the Hardware Console folder

  1. Navigate to Cashiering directory

    1. Ex: C:\Program Files (x86)\Tyler Technologies\Tyler Cashiering

  2. Right click on the Hardware Console folder

  3. Click Properties

  4. Click the Security tab

  5. Click Edit

  6. Click on Users (may be Authenticated Users) to see what permissions that group has

  7. Under the Allow column, check off Modify

  8. Click OK

  9. Click OK