State tax error 256 Tax Table Missing

State tax error 256 Tax Table Missing

Description of Issue

In Payroll Earnings and Deductions State tax deductions are returning an error of  S - Tax Table Missing and showing a 256 on the payroll deduction detail screen

  • HRM

  • Payroll

  • State Tax


The State Code isn't populated on the Deduction and Benefit Master for this deduction


Populate the State code on the Deduction and Benefit Master and Generate the Payroll

  1. Navigate to Payroll > Payroll Setup > Deduction and Benefit Master

  2. Click Search then enter the State Tax deduction number and click Accept

  3. Click and enter a value in the State Code field

  4. Navigate to Payroll > Payroll Processing > Payroll Start and Status > Generate Earnings and Deductions

  5. Click Execute to do a new generate of the payroll and use the Delete option when prompted

Additional Information