How to Uninstall Cashiering Client or Hardware Console

How to Uninstall Cashiering Client or Hardware Console

Description of Issue

The Cashiering Desktop Client and/or Hardware Console needs to be uninstalled

  • Hardware Console

  • Cashiering Client

  • Uninstall Cashiering


The Cashiering Desktop Client and/or Hardware Console needs to be removed from the device or is being replaced by a newer version

  1. Launch the Hardware Console and make note of current devices

    1. Hardware Console can be launched from the system tray

    2. On the bottom right corner of desktop, click the arrow to show hidden items

    3. Right click the Hardware Console icon > click Tyler Cashiering Hardware Console

  2. Exit Hardware Console from browser

  3. Exit Hardware Console from system tray

    1. On the bottom right corner of desktop, click the arrow to show hidden items

    2. Right click the Hardware Console icon > click Exit

  4. Exit Cashiering Client if open

  5. Open either Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a Program or Apps & Features

    1. Select and uninstall Tyler Cashiering Hardware Console and Client or Cashiering Hardware Console

    2. Note: Depending on the currently installed version, the program name may differ slightly

  6. Delete the associated Cashiering or Tyler Cashiering folder under the installation path

    1. Default installation path is C:\Program Files (x86)\Tyler Technologies

Additional Information