Contract Carryforward Popup Warning

Contract Carryforward Popup Warning

Description of Issue

When rolling contracts popup warning appears 


Budget Amendments have not been made for the noted carry forward account/amounts noted below. 

These carry forward amounts need to be cleared from the contract carry forward budget holding table before any further contract rolling is allowed. 

If budget is to be moved forward, budget amendments need to be made. This can be done either manually or via a budget projection.

For manual budget amendments, once selected, ALL carry forward amounts will be removed from the contract carry forward budget holding table and BUAs will need to be created in Budget Amendment Entry. 

For budget projections, budget amounts are removed from the contract carry forward budget holding table when the projection is posted. 

Select how to proceed: Remove budget from holding table, perform manual budget amendments or Budget Projections

  • Contract Management

  • Budget 

  • Year End Close


When contracts are rolled forward their carry forward amounts are in a holding table, if additional contracts are rolled, this overwrites the data currently in the holding table.

  • Roll all contracts at one time

  • Create manual budget amendments for amounts currently in holding table using Budget Year Code 2 in the journal header field

  • Create budget projection with the accounts listed in the prompt

Additional Information

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