Entry date on receipts created in Apply Prepayments set to todays date

Description of Issue

Entry date entered in Apply Prepayments does not carry forward to the resulting receipts.

Apply Prepayments creates receipts with today's date as the entry date regardless of what is used on the define screen.

  • Munis 2019.1 and up

  • Accounts Receivable

  • AR

  • Apply Prepayments

  • arprepay



Development is currently researching the issue. There is no known workaround at this time.

Additional Information

Payment Entry underwent a change to allow for manual entry of a Processing Date in this version, leaving Entry Date to reflect the true date the record was added (Today.) It's likely that any change that results from this issue will provide a similar field for Apply Prepayments, leaving the Entry Date fixed at today's date but allowing for a Processing Date to be manually input.