Record locked by another user message in Account Master - another user has account master in Update mode for same account

Description of Issue

In Account Master after searching for a specific GL account and clicking update, message 'record locked by another user' displays at bottom of page and the GL account cannot be updated.


Account Master


Another user has Account Master open in Update Mode for the same GL account.


The other user will need to be identified and then close out of any Account Master windows that are in Update mode. 

To identify the user, navigate to Munis > System Administration > General Administration > Diagnostic Utility and Run-time Information

  1. Click Database tab

  2. Click Munis Connections tab

  3. Scroll through the list of user ID's (ignoring wsuser at the bottom) and look for the one who is listed as being in Account Master. This user is likely causing the lock, and will need to close out of their open Account Master windows. 

  4. Once they have closed out, user reporting the lock should close their own Account Master window and then reopen. They should now be able to update the GL account successfully. 

Additional Information

Sometimes the user listed is the user reporting the lock. In this case, they may have an idle Account Master window in update mode in a different tab or window. They'll need to make sure to close all tabs, or just log out of Munis completely for 10-15 seconds.Â